This webinar will be held on May 15th, 2020 from 4:00pm - 5:00pm.
As the world embraces protective measures to fight the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, directives such as social/physical distancing and staying at home present a new set of challenges to change-makers who need to organize and mobilize communities to take actions. How can we still show solidarity while also isolating ourselves? How can we manage the fear of the virus but not fear each other? What are some of the tactics that organizers are utilizing within the South Sudan context? What are the challenges and also what opportunities exist despite the the obstacles?
It will be hosted by our co-founders with guest speakers who are on the ground and actively organizing to fight the Covid-19 pandemic:
Manasseh Mathiang, Co-Founder of Anataban Art Initiative
Mary Ajith Goch, Director of Catholic Radio Network and Chairperson of AMDISS
Emmanuel Lobijo, Founder & CEO of Junub Open Space
Join us to be part of the conversation. You can register here: https://bit.ly/3droign
" The future will be determined by whoever is willing to fight harder for the ideas they have lying around".